About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > White River Trail

White River Trail Photos
Thru Springfield and Lyons

(click on any photo to enlarge)


Wide view of the White River Trail

Here's my next panoramic view of the White River trail. As you can see, the trail has a nice tree cover in many places as it passes through the southern Wisconsin farm lands.

Oak Creek Conservancy

You pass through this open area where you go by the Oak Creek Conservancy sign on the left above and the white rail fence on the right. This is just west of Springfield.

Trail passing Pedal & Cup

The White River Trail crosses a highway here at the Pedal & Cup restaurant near Springfield Wisconsin. We did not stop here but it looks like a pretty popular place and there were a lot of bikes out front. Be careful, it looks like a "Biker Hangout"!

Pedal & Cup Guitar Player

I didn't realize that there was an acoustic guitar player out front playing songs as we rode by the first time. I did notice, however, as I stopped to take these photos.

He was playing a nice version of that Eric Clapton song "You look wonderful tonight" as I took these photos. It actually sounded really good and I was going to take a video too but didn't want to seem too obnoxious and may not have permission to post it anyway.

WRT passing through Lyons Wisconsin

This photo shows where the trail passes through the town of Lyons, Wisconsin (still east of Burlington). For a little perspective, these towns ~ Springfield and Lyons ~ are both just a little north and east of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Bridge over the White River

The bridge photo above is where the White River Trail crosses the White River between Lyons and Burlington. If you click on the photo, for the larger size, you can see the sign on the top rail on the left that says "White River".

I was attempting to get the White River, the White River sign and the White River Trail all in the photo above. I guess I succeeded at that. :-)

Rugged Path to Bridge

OK, this is where we took a little side trip to the abandoned and broken down railway bridge over the Fox River just after we drove to the eastern side of Burlington and parked at Bushnell Park to ride the eastern leg of the White River trail.

Overgrown Bike Path

This is not the most exciting photo but I wanted to show how overgrown this single track trail to the bridge was. Check out the next photo page ~ the Photo Page 3 link below ~ for photos of the abandoned bridge and the eastern leg of the trail.


White River Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the White River Bike Trail including the west and east legs of the trail out of Burlington, Wisconsin. This ride was from June, 2015.

White River Trail Home

White River Trail Photos 1 - Burlington to Elkhorn
White River Trail Photos 2 - Through Springfield and Lyons < you are here
White River Trail Photos 3 - Old Railway Bridge and East Leg

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.